Wednesday, 19 June 2013

How FMCG Brands can reach to the right Target Markets using Google Display Network?

Hi everyone, I’m back with some interesting information about Google Display Network (GDN). You may be visiting hundreds of websites regularly to get your things done. When you’re visiting those, you are coming across thousands of banner ads by various organizations. There are many methods to target an ad to the existing consumers and to potential consumers. Displaying ads in websites is a growing trend to reach the target audience effectively.

If you’re interested in knowing about Display Ads, today’s post would be great for you. In brief, Google Display Ads allows you to place your Ad online in order to be seen by the right consumers. Simply, it places your ad at the right time, right place and to the right consumer. As Google has indicated 3 main purposes of Display ads would be,
  • Generate Awareness
  • Increase Sales
  • Drive Loyalty

Let’s see how a FMCG brand could reach the right target audience using GDN

GDN allows you various targeting options such as;

Contextual targeting

Actually, this is the most common method of targeting. This allows you to target the ad based on the content consumed by the target audience. All we have to do is create some Key words and GDN would identify the “theme” of your keywords. So whenever a page carries your theme, GDN could place your ad effectively. For an example, just think for a while that you want to advertise your freshly baked batch of chocolate cupcakes. Therefore, GDN places your ad on the sites that carries similar themes such as websites on baked chocolate goods, discussion groups of baking communities as well as newsletters containing chocolate desserts. Well, it’s all depending on your theme.

Topics targeting (Contextual targeting by topics)

Here you don’t need to indentify keywords or even themes. You could select the relevant topics to your ad by ticking off the topics that are already available. Let’s take the above example again. If you want to advertise chocolate cupcakes, you could choose the topics as; Food and Drink, Cooking and Recipes and Baked Goods or Desserts. One major disadvantage for FMCG brand using this targeting option is that the topics could be too broad sometimes for the purpose of targeting. But if you want to reach a broad audience at once, this would not be a disadvantage.

Audience targeting tools

This targeting method is totally different from the above method. This allows you to display your ad to the people who are most likely to be interested to what you are selling not the content of the websites. “Interest category targeting” and “Remarketing” falls into this category.

Interest category targeting

Here, the list of categories is same as topics targeting, but the targeting method is different since the visitors are targeted based on their interests of browsing pages across the GDN. When someone visits an AdSense partner website, GDN investigates the content of the page. GDN also use these page topics to identify interests with something called “visitor’s anonymous cookie ID”, taking into account how often people visit sites of those categories. This allows creating awareness about your brand and ultimately generating traffic to your brand.


If you want to target the people who’ve already visited your website, this targeting option is ideal for you. This automatically links your ad with the people who showed an interest towards your brand. Even they didn’t buy anything after visiting your website, GDN would be able to track the other websites that they’re visiting and placing your ads there. All you have to do is add a “remarketing tag” to all the pages in your site. What they do is, when people visit your site, they’ll be added automatically to the “remarketing list” and you could reach them anytime you want.

Placement Targeting

If you know well the websites that your target market searches frequently, you could use this tool. You just simply have to give out the names of websites your ad should appear. This gives great control over the places your ad is appearing. If you want to concentrate on some particular websites, this could be very useful.

Geographic targeting

If you own a small business which serves only for a limited geographical area, advertising globally would not be necessary. In that case, geographic targeting is extremely beneficial. As a result, you could increase the ROI (Return on Investment) of your campaign by limiting your ads to a specific set of people who are in a definite geographical area.

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